tengok sini! :DD

Sunday, September 12, 2010

natijahnye (stlah lebih dari 2 hari)


hey, i'm actually contemplating myself on the mission that i've commence a few days back. it is vividly successful yet there's one tiny little (??) thing that i'm yet to finish. albeit it is quite hard to finally succeed it but with all the courage that i've mustered around, i'm vaguely planning to study according to the schedule prepared. oh, forgot to tell what i'm yet to do on that verily mission. of course la the second one that is, STUDY. lol. here's the plan.

12/9 - K.hidup
13/9 - Bahasa Arab Komunikasi
14/9 - Agama Islam
15/9 - Sejarah
16/9 - Mathematics
17/9 - Science
18/9 - Bahasa Melayu
19/9 - Geografi

yeah, this is it. but, why there's no English? because i've already learned English today (11/9). heh, about the others that i've successfully accomplished? teach Tommy a lesson, drying the clothes under the scorching hot sun, washing the dishes silently, mop the floor clean while listening to the chirping flock of birds near my house which is thoroughly soothing my mind. yup, i'm that kind of person whom easily intrigued by the mother nature.

then, what is it? words that been uttered as a token of appreciation occurred in reverse psychology-kind of-way. heh, its better than nothing, isn't it? oke, after this, i'm going to compensate my time between playing and studying. (is it even realistic?).


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